Second Chances

There’s always a little truth behind every ‘just kidding’. A little emotion behind every ‘I don’t care’. A little pain behind every ‘it’s okay’. A little ‘I need you’ behind every ‘leave me alone’. And quite a lot of words behind every silence.

Because every little thing you say. Every judgement you pass. Every gesture you make, speaks volumes. Much more than you could ever realise. Because everyone out there is fighting their own battle. Not every smile, means that you are happy. Sometimes the saddest people have the happiest face. You can never judge the intensity and extent of someone’s inner struggle. We never know.

And we might never do.

It’s okay to be different. Being different doesn’t always make what you’re doing, wrong. Even if it is, everyone’s allowed to make their own mistakes, right? Isn’t that how you learn? But how hard would it be, if you were judged everyday of your life for one single mistake you committed? Knowingly or unknowingly, we all make mistakes. We all have a past. But, It’s never okay to bring up the past of someone who is genuinely trying to change their future. Because, when someone’s trying their best, you always, ALWAYS give them a second chance. If you were in their place, you’d want it, don’t you think?

We’ll never completely know what someone else feels. What they are thinking, at that very moment. But what we can do is to respect that everyone has their own personal feelings, thoughts, and opinions. To respect and acknowledge that everyone has their own personal struggle.


So keep your mind open and stay kind. Because who knows? Your one single act of kindness, might be just the second chance they needed to turn their life around. And I don’t think there could be greater happiness than that 🙂

Dessinora Designs.

2 thoughts on “Second Chances

  1. Uzumaki_Naruto says:

    As always,very well written.i would also like to add on to what you’ve said.along with accepting people’s past mistakes,its also important to talk to them about their achievements and what good things they have done rather than their mistakes because that is what will help them come to out of their worry about a mistake

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