
Hey Guys. I’m Pradhiksha and this is my blog!

I’m a student in the first year of college, with a love for art and design. Art and Design have always been a part of me ever since I was a little girl. From the dorky little cards I made for my parents’ birthday to the colourful doodles on the wall to the person I am today, I’ve come a long way and have an even longer one to go. Doodling always has and will be one of my favourite pastimes and I cannot wait to show you some of it. Just the decent ones, I promise 😛 Here in my blog, Dessinora Designs, (where ‘Dessin’ means ‘drawing’ in French), I’ll be posting my drawings, paintings, art ideas, designs and DIY Projects that are both fun and interesting.

Do follow and like my blog  🙂