My Design Wall


Design Wall


Life has a way of telling you to buck up and do what’s right. It throws subtle hints your way, in the hope that it’ll help you and rekindle your spirit. Life gives you quotes that will always stay by your side. And I believe that it’s in our hands to figure it out.

Movies have always been a source of incredible enjoyment and education. And to be able to pick out these life quotes from some of my favourite movies is an amazing moment of pride and joy to me. Bringing together some of the best life quotes from movies, sitcoms and novels ( I love LOVE reading btw), I thought to myself. What do I like more than watching movies or reading novels?


And that’s when I went on a crazy two weeks, filled with making typography designs at every chance I got. After a few that got chucked out. because frankly, they looked embarrassing and the rest, which made the cut; Voila, I made this  🙂

But why these in specific? Over a thousand movies are being made every year through out the world and the number of life quotes in them, being even larger. But I chose these, mainly because these are quotes, movies, sitcoms that I grew up with. I listened to these quotes all the time and they still strike a chord in me. Because I know, just like how Simba learnt the importance of “Hakuna Matata” and Harry learnt that it was in his hands, his choices, his abilities to be who he wanted to be; I  learnt a lot from them too. And to be able to put that on my wall, where I can continue to see them everyday, is what I’d call, A dream come true.

Dessinora Designs.

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